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Derby senza sorriso per Smalling: morta la cagnolina Miley (FOTO)

La triste notizie arriva da Sam, la moglie del centrale inglese

Antivigilia di derby triste per Smalling. Il centrale inglese, infatti, ha dato l’ultimo saluto alla sua cagnolina Miley. La moglie di Smalling, Sam, ha condiviso un post su Instagram in cui ringraziava la piccola di aver cambiato la loro vita in questi dieci anni, portando tanta gioia in famiglia.



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I’m writing this through tears and with a broken heart. My baby girl Miley passed away on Wednesday after unexpectedly collapsing from a tumour we didn’t know she had that had ruptured. She wasn’t just my dog, she was like a mother, a daughter, a sister and a best friend. I’ve no doubt in my mind she was an angel in my life and without her I don’t know where this last decade would have taken me. I’ve been on quite a journey of healing and growth over these 10 years since she arrived in my life and she’s got me through the lows and brought an unbelievable amount of joy to mine, Chris’ and my mums lives plus everyone else’s who met and loved her. She was truly a special soul and I know that without her I wouldn’t be where I am and probably wouldn’t have been blessed with Leo. It seems her work here was complete and I know she’s still here in spirit. I love you so much Miley. I’m gutted Leo won’t grow up with you here in the physical but I’ll make sure he knows how special you were and I know you’ll be with him all the way. We all love you so much. Have fun in heaven princess.

Un post condiviso da Sam Smalling (@samsmallinginsta) in data:


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